In this sequel to The Giant Killer, Charlotte Tucker continues to explore the adventures of the Roby Family and their spiritual growth. The author drops her allegory in this story and concentrates on the daily trials and sorrows of family life - while also wielding the sword introduced in The Giant Killer. This is a great discussion area for families who want to put their spiritual life into practice every day.
Excerpt: “Oh, Aleck, how I love you! “ cried Bertha, leaning her burning brow against his shoulder, and weeping still, but less violently than before. “You help me to struggle against my evil heart!”
“ I have but repeated a few texts to you, dearest, and you knew them all well before.”
“ Ah ! but they were not in my mind; nothing good was there. I had dropped the sword of Fides: you have placed it again in my hand. But oh, what shall I do without you ?” she added, with a heavy sigh.
“ We will think of each other, and pray for each other."
This title is Number 7 in Lakeview Publishing's Resurrection Series.
176 page paperback, A5 size.