Historian and Hokitika native Angus Harrop draws together a wide range of material in this summary of the history of Westland County. His attempt to create “a complete history in the shape of all the relevant documents, including the recollections of the surviving pioneers” must have been one of the last bids to gather such information before the gold rush generation passed away. First published in 1923, this edition has been economically reprinted for the modern reader.
"Before a description of the gold rushes to Westland is given, a brief summary of the condition of New Zealand as a whole at that time will be useful. The year 1861 was prolific in important events in many parts of the world. The American Civil War began during the year, and the capture of two Confederate envoys involved England in the risk of war. In 1861 Europe acknowledged the independence of Italy, while Cavour, who was mainly instrumental in securing this independence, died. The death of Prince Albert of England also occurred in this year... The population of the Colony of New Zealand, reckoned up to the end of the year 1856, amounted to 46,551 ..."
220 page paperback, A5 size