Originally published in 1928 by the New Zealand Government Printer, this directory details the quartz reefs and the associated prospecting and mining activities in the West Coast Inspection District. Mines inspector and author John Francis Downey provides full information on every mine from Marlborough to South Westland. The text is backed up with tables showing quartz produced from each mine, with yield of gold, value of gold, and dividends paid to 31st December, 1926. Other tables show the production of each mining county, and the depths of shafts and levels in Inangahua County. An amazing tribute to the industry.
Regarding the Inkerman West Mine featured on the front cover:
This claim was the most northerly taken up on Lee’s line. Auriferous quartz was found in it by Henry Evans in March, 1888, and a reef was traced on the surface for about 350 ft. For a time the claim promised well. A winze sunk on the reef to the depth of about 70 ft. carried good values all the way, as did also a drive put out for some distance from the bottom of it. A vertical shart was then started, which was eventually sunk to 423 ft., four levels being open from it. ...