The life of ten-year-old twins, Constantine and Adolphus changes drastically when they are shipped off to a private tutor in the country. Their host and his family includes son Aleck (who imagines himself the perfect student) and two little girls. Here they learn an allegorical tale that can be taken as a simple, amusing story or a life lesson to us all.
Excerpt: Just as the gallery ended in a large dimly-lighted room, Fides caught a glimpse of the giant before him. Never had he seen anything so hateful to the eye, so repulsive to the generous soul. None of his race was more hideous than Giant Untruth; meanness, cowardice, and cunning were stamped upon his brow; he looked like one who would shrink from the light. For a moment Fides beheld the giant, then, as if by magic, Untruth vanished from his eyes, and the knight found himself, as it appeared, alone, to pursue his search after his artful foe.
This title is Number 6 in Lakeview Publishing's Resurrection Series.
166 page paperback, A5 size.